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Come As You Are: All Are Welcome

This morning it was placed on my heart to share that having a relationship with God is not some elite, exclusive thing. It’s not super deep and super spiritualized. It’s free, open and welcome to everyone.

Your relationship with God does NOT have to look like someone else’s. Don’t let the pretty hats, long dresses and even longer winded prayers fool you. (Not that there is anything wrong with any of those things). I just want people to understand that YOUR relationship with God will look like YOUR relationship with God. Don’t allow yourself to miss out on the goodness of God because you think it has to look a certain way.

It’s my prayer that people are free from the bondage of thinking they have to get it together before giving their life to Christ. I pray people are free from the bondage of feeling they have to measure up to some unrealistic expectation before they receive God’s love and grace.

God see you with all of your mistakes and short comings, and He still desires a relationship with YOU!!!

News Flash!!! All of us are struggling with something. NONE OF US HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER!! Especially, people in the church!!! We go to church because we have issues and we know Jesus is the only one who could fix them.

Church is a hospital for the broken. We are called to come with all of our issues, troubles and trauma to be healed by the Great Physician, who is Jesus Christ. He is able to resuscitate our lives. He is able to apply His blood and bring about healing to any hurting place. He is able to give sight to the blind. Strength to the weak. Peace to the wreary. Deliverance to the demented. Freedom to those caught in bondage. God is able to do the impossible. Nothing you are currently going through is outside of God’s ability to help you.

So again, I want to encourage you to not get caught up in all the noise. You could give your life to a Jesus right now, no matter the mistake or your current situation. Having a relationship with Jesus is not some exclusive thing. There is no guestlist, dress code or admission fee to get in. It’s free, all you have to do is knock and the door will be opened.

Scriptures For Encouragement:

Matthew 7:7-8

Matthew 11:28-30

Matthew 19:26

Mark 2:17

Ephesians 2:8-9

Psalm 147:3

Psalm 34:18


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