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Jesus Was Born For Me

God is AMAZING!! He is a miracle worker!! He is a promise keeper!! He is a prayer answerer!! He is a faithful Father!! He is a source of strength!! He is peace in the middle of a storm!! He is a mender of broken hearts!! He is company when you’re lonely!! He is an encourager when you’re weary!! He never makes you feel like a burden!! He listens and never grows tired!! He’s interested in EVERY detail of your life!! He protects you from the enemy!! He upholds you with His strong right hand!! He hides you in the shadow of His wings!! He sends His Word when you need comfort and confirmation!! God is EVERYTHING!!!

I am SO grateful for Jesus and I can’t say it enough. I am thankful that God cares so much about me that He sends a Word whenever I am in need.

Today in church there was so much that was spoken that blessed me, however, there was one part at the end of the sermon that really spoke to me and encouraged my heart.

When Pastor Harris started talking about the gift of Jesus having the power to change our status.

“Jesus had the power that took me from death to life, from a sinner to saved, from hell bound to heaven lifted, from ruined to righteous, from raggedy to reigning, from fallen to forgiven, from alien to adopted, from pitiful to peculiar, from crooked to converted, from doomed to delivered, from BROKEN TO BLESSED!!!!”

God is worthy to be praised because when I was too sinful to come to Him, He made a way to come to ME!! Jesus was born for ME!!

The title of today’s sermon was, “Jesus Was Born For Us” (Luke 2:8-14)

Yeah, I totally made this personal, because it is PERSONAL!! It’s real and intimate, and I encourage you to do the same!!

JESUS WAS BORN FOR YOU!!! God’s grace is available to YOU!!! If you’re living in darkness, there is light available to YOU!! If you’re broken, there is healing available for YOU!! No matter what you’re going through, God desires to meet you right where you are!! He is a God who crawls in the pit with YOU!! Trust me I know, because that is where He found me!!!! Hallelujah!!

But I praise God that I no longer walk in defeat, but favor!! Thank you God!! All the glory belongs to you!!!


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