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Kitchen Conversations With Jesus: My Vision

One of the greatest benefits that comes with being a believer are my conversations with Jesus. He often meets me in my kitchen early in the morning while I clean. At first, this seemed a little weird, I struggled with whether the voice I was hearing was from the Lord or just my subconscious. Then I began to realize that the thoughts I was having were not like my thoughts. As it says in Isaiah 55:8-9, "these thoughts were higher than my thoughts". Many times during these conversations I would be called to evaluate my perspective, my behavior and the way I was living my life. I would also get ideas and visions downloaded into me that I had never heard or thought of before. If I was struggling with an issue, Jesus would show me what to do. If I was having a disagreement with my husband or a family member Jesus would give me the right words to say. If I was discouraged and feeling defeated, it was during this time that Jesus would pour into me and remind me of who I was in Him.

In December 2018, during one of those conversations, God gave me a vision for a women’s support group. This group would consist of women that held each other accountable, offered support to each other, encouraged each other to reach their dreams, pray together, seek God together, raise our children together and truly be there to meet each other’s needs.

I strongly believe that we’re movements by ourselves, but a force when we’re together. Even in God’s Word, He speaks about unity and coming together. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, He speaks about two being better than one. Together we’re stronger, more effective and better equipped to handle attacks. So often this scripture is used regarding marriage, but it also applies to friendships, sisterhood and support systems.

Proverbs 27:17 speaks about friends keeping each other sharp and on the right track. True friends hold you accountable, correct you when you’re wrong and push you to be the best version of yourself.

In Matthew 18:19-20, it speaks about when two or three gather together in His name, He will be with them. TOGETHER our prayers could truly move mountains, break strongholds and loose peace, freedom and healing.

Over the past couple of years I've tried to make myself available to women. I've tried to offer support through weekly prayer calls, encouraging newsletters and women meetups. I have seen God move in mighty ways through the women in this support group, that has been affectionately called "The Village". The Village is a safe space to BE. I mean truly be yourself, be vulnerable and be transformed through the connection of Godly community.

I have been extremely protective of The Village. I have kept my community close and confined to the people I knew. Part of the reason I did this, was the same reason it took me so long to start this blog....FEAR. Fear of rejection, fear of being inadequate and fear of the unknown. I have been hindered by fear for too long. God is calling me to share what He has downloaded in me. In this season of being called out of the boat, I am also being called to let down my net.

In Luke 5:4-11 Jesus came to Simon and told him to go where the water is deeper and let down his nets. Simon working all night long and not seeing any progress doubted Jesus' instructions at first, but was obedient. Through this obedience he was able to catch so many fish that he needed to call in help to draw them all. Those around him where able to witness this miracle as well. What blessed me most was verse 10 when Jesus said, "Don't be afraid! From now on you'll be fishing for people!"

In this season God is calling me deeper. He is calling me to not shrink, but to share EVERYTHING He has spoken to me. Through God working in me others will be able to see His miracles. The Village women support group is not something I could keep confined any longer. Women all over the world need to know they are not alone. Women need to join together and be a FORCE for Kingdom advancement.

Now I won't pretend to know how God is going to use this ministry or this blog, but I will take the first step of obedience and trust God to do the rest.


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