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No Way Home

Woke up this morning reflecting on life. There is something about starting a new year that holds so much possibility. So while I was thinking about all the amazing things that God is going to accomplish through me this year, I also started thinking about other people who are down during this time. While I was reflecting with hope of the endless possibilities of 2022, I started thinking about people who were depressed thinking about the year to come. I started reflecting on how their outlook wasn’t one of hope, but one of doom because often they feel trapped in the “rat race”. The thought of 2022 makes them feel defeated because it holds the same disappointments of previous years.

I don’t know why, but while those thoughts were going through my mind, Spider-Man: No Way Home popped in head. That’s how most of these blog posts are usually sparked. They are sparked from a random thought that spirals and snowballs into a Word from the Lord for my life. My God!!! I know, I seem super spiritual sometimes, but it’s not my fault that I see God’s hand in EVERYTHING!! Blame it on the Holy Spirit. For those that haven’t seen the movie stop reading!! (SPOILER ALERT). For those that have, walk with me for a little bit.

So long story short, Peter Parker was going through some difficulties in his life after his true identity was exposed. He went to Dr. Strange for help and Dr. Strange decided to help Peter by performing a spell. During the spell Peter distracted Dr. Strange, and as a result, all the former villains from the previous Spider-Man movies/universes came into Peter’s universe. There were 5 villains total: Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Electro, the Lizard, and Sandman. Through a series of events, Peter, with the encouragement of Aunt May, decided to help cure the villains instead of sending them home to die. In the end, with the assistance of 2 other Spidermen from previous movies/universes, Peter was able to cure the villains. However, his decision to help others came with huge loss and personal sacrifice.

Now that we have a quick rundown let’s dive in. The first thing we’ll discuss is the main character Peter Parker (Spider-Man). I want to start off by quoting something that Aunt May told him, “with great power there is great responsibility“. This quote also made me think of the scripture in Luke 12:48, “to whom much is given, much will be required”. When you’re gifted with supernatural abilities, resources and power it’s your responsibility to help others.

Thus was the case with Peter, while it would have been easier for him to just send the villains back to their own universes to die, he was compelled to help. He felt a weight to right a wrong. He had a duty to do all that he could to make the situation better. He didn’t just dismiss the problem for someone else to deal with it. How many of us have felt this way as believers? How many of us have been compelled to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, intercede in prayer or sacrifice through service? How many times have we wanted to turn a blind eye because helping others requires A LOT, but we knew it was our calling/responsibility?

Now that we’ve talked about Peter’s calling/responsibility, lets talk about the company he kept. When you’re called to help others it’s vital that you surround yourself with good company. The people around you should encourage you, support you, stand with in hard times and push you to be your best self. Throughout the movie you could see Aunt May, Ned and MJ being that support to Peter, even at the expense of their own lives. Peter had true “ride or dies” on his team.

I must also touch on the importance of having wise counsel. When Peter was talking to the older Spidermen they were dropping some gems. They were reminding Peter of his purpose. They were also warning him about not allowing bitterness, hurt and pain to consume him. They were telling their “testimonies” of their past mistakes in hopes that Peter wouldn’t repeat them. I really liked this part of the movie. I pray that each of us have wise older people in our lives that share their wisdom with us.

Now let’s talk about these Villains. I will highlight the 3 main villains that spoke to me most, Green Goblin, Doc Ock and Electro. For me, each of these characters are a representation of an individual needing deliverance from a form of bondage. (Now please be mindful that this is MY interpretation).

First, Dr. Norman Osborn (Green Goblin). There is an internal battle taking place within him. He’s not all the way bad, he has moments of clarity when he’s able to make the right decisions, but then he has moments when the enemy influences and consumes him. When he’s consumed he’s cruel, prideful and leaves destruction in his wake. He’s also an accuser, who verbally abuses people and stirs up anger inside of them. Look at his interactions with Aunt May and Peter. He tried to make them feel dumb for making the right decisions. He tried to convince them that power was more important than being good. It made me think of the scripture in Matthew 8:36, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” He tried to provoke Peter into murdering him toward the end of the movie, he wanted to corrupt Peter’s soul and take him down a path of vengeance. Praise God that Spider-Man (Tobey McGuire), came to his rescue before he did something that he would regret. Through teamwork they were able administer a serum to bring Dr. Osborn back to himself. Once he was able to think clearly again, he regretted his actions.

Next, we’ll talk about Dr. Otto Octavius (Doc Ock). His corrupted chip represents a corrected mindset. When you’re mindset is corrupted it starts to affect your thoughts, your perspective, your mood and your emotions. He walked around full of rage, bitterness and vengeance. He was literally mad at the world. His “healing” was my favorite in the movie because once his chip was replaced you could see his release. You could see his relief and freedom as his mindset changed. It’s like the deadweight just fell off of him. When you’re free, you have the desire to free others. After Doc Ock was free he helped the Spidermen free Electro.

Lastly, we will talk about Maxwell “Max” Dillion (Electro). He wanted power because it make him feel important. Max struggled with self esteem issues and felt insignificant. He thought that by getting power from an outside source it would make him special and more desirable. When the Spidermen, with the assistance of Doc Ock, took away Electro‘s powers he questioned who he would be without them. Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) spoke over his life and reminded Max that he was already awesome without the powers.

So let me try to tie this all together. Right now I feel like Dr. Strange trying to pull all my thoughts together to form a cohesive conclusion.

We know that Peter’s main purpose in this movie was to cure the villains, so he could prevent them from going back to their universes to die. He was basically giving them a second chance at life. This entire plot line made me think about Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Peter realized that each of these villains were worthy of redemption. He was able to see past their negativity, their behavior, and their toxic thoughts. He knew that a cure was available and he knew that their lives would be better because of it. Well, I’m here to tell you that Jesus is the cure. He is able to replace your corrupted chip. He is the serum to neutralize the toxic thoughts that are raging in your mind. Through Christ you will come to know your true identity. You will know that you are loved, you’re worthy and that your sense of significance does not come from outside sources, but from Him.

If you’re tired of feeling defeated, depressed and disappointed. If you’re not looking forward to the New Year because you think it will be a repeat of the same. I encourage you to try Jesus!!! I mean REALLY try Him!!

Spend time in His presence. Commit to reading His Word. Commit to spending time in prayer. Commit to connecting with other believers. I promise you your outlook on life will change.

I also want to encouraged those who are called. I know it’s difficult being called to intercede and to help others. It often comes with personal sacrifice, loss, pain and seasons of isolation. I want you to know that what you’re doing matters. Continue to see the best in people. Continue to fight for what is right even when the world is calling you dumb. Your sacrifices are changing your family, your community and God’s Kingdom!!!

Happy New Year!! Be blessed!!!


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