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Yep It's Me Shouting Again: Praise Is What I Do!!

I am that person that gets emotional every time I think of the goodness of Jesus. If you ask my family who's my bestfriend, Jesus' name would definitely be at the top of the list. Finding Christ will always be the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I will probably never wrap my head around how amazing He is. I mean they are all dope God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and I have very different relationships with each of them.

I am that person that shouts and cries in church EVERY single Sunday. I won't even lie and pretend that it doesn't make me self conscious sometimes. There are voices in my head that try to distract me, but I focus on the cross. I literally fix my eyes on the colorful stained glass cross at the back of the sanctuary. I look pass the choir, pass the pastor, and focus on what Jesus did on the cross. When you focus on Jesus and His sacrifice how can you not worship God?

Whenever the voices or the outside noise get too loud, I focus on my blessings. Starting with seeing my kids sitting next to me. Having my kids come to church and having them know Jesus for themselves always quicken my Spirit. I thank God for the foundation that is being set. Then I think about my marriage and how God is keeping me in the midst of the hard times. Then I focus on my breathing. Just breathing in and out and realizing that my next breath is not guaranteed, WHEW GOD!!! Then it just snow balls from there. I cannot think of the goodness of Jesus and stay silent. It leads me to cry and worship because He truly is amazing.

Shouting is just a part of who I am. I shout when I'm going through, because I know that God is carrying me through. I shout when I'm being abundantly blessed, because I know it's God willing me to prosper. I shout when I hear confirmation, because I realize that God is really talking to me. Yes, the God that created the heavens and the earth is talking to little ol' me. I shout when I'm convicted of my sins, because, God is faithful even when I am not.

God's grace is new every single morning. No matter how many times I fall down, I procrastinate, or I don't get it right, God NEVER leaves me. He's waiting on me. I even shout when I'm being discipled, because I know it truly lead to transformation. There are areas in me that need purifying, like a LOT of areas. People are able to see the façade, they are able to see the mask that I put on when I walk into the world. People see the performance so the speak, but God sees the rehearsals. God sees the mess ups and all the stuff that goes on back stage. Like God knows my end from my beginning and He still chose me. That in itself makes me worship. God is AMAZING!! I cannot keep silent. I have to shout with a loud voice. Thank you God!!

I encourage whoever is reading this post to take a moment to just think about the goodness of God. Think over your life and remember how God has shown Himself faithful. As you are breathing in and out acknowledge that God is your life source. Stir yourself up in the Lord. Press into His presence and offer Him genuine worship. As you worship the Lord your perspective change. As you shout praises to the Lord demons begin to flee, walls begin to fall, the atmosphere begins to shift, and your strength is renewed. I repeat God is AMAZING!! Let all that we are praise the Lord, may we never forget all the good things He's done for us!!

I wanted to share a couple of songs that truly bless me, I pray they bless you.

Praying for God's people ALWAYS!!



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